So I absolutely neglect this site. I post every couple of years, and run watchtower to keep things up to date... But at the end of the day, I'm bad at moving between major versions... I was still on Ghost 4, and needed to move from sqlite to mysql.

That's not the point of this blog post though.

I figured out what I needed to do here and updated it though. I was sending a coworker some pictures from my light setup in college and I realized I should start posting my "evolution of a network" photo album up here with some more descriptions.

So that's where I'm going to start. Most of them should end up in the homelab tag, so expect to see more content over there "soon[1]".

  1. Soon in the context of this blog may be late 2027. No promises! ↩︎

Updated ghost.... More coming soon?

I updated ghost and want to start posting more.